The CEO's message
At the onset of this new year, on behalf of the entire staff of the Union and in my own name, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to extend to you my best wishes for 2016. This year coincides with taking up my duties as the Union’s Chief Executive Officer. I sincerely wish that during this term in office, we can work together to put the Union at the disposal of member organizations, that means addressing their current concerns, which by and large revolve around managing the transition from analog to digital, along with the important related issue of contents.
In order to deal with this situation, we should work together in common cause, coordinate our activities so that realities in a moving, working and developing Africa, “an Africa rid of prejudice”, can be reflected on television screens across the continent.
This year, our Union is ready to launch its terminal marketing project and start up MENOS. We humbly request that you join in this important endeavor for all.
This technical platform will, we are sure, strengthen professional relations between member organizations. The African Union of Broadcasting nurses the hope that this project will help open up our countries and all of Africa.
We have a dream that together we can launch the extensive training and capacity building program for journalists and technical artists working every day for the development of our member organizations. The task, at a closer look, is titanic. Together we will succeed.
Together we will make our modest contribution to the well being of the audiovisual sector across our continent, and thus to the improvement of the living conditions of our people. An idea so dear to the founding fathers of the AUB.
In this anniversary year, Unity must really make STRENGTH. Our common strength.
Gregoire Ndjaka