73rd elective FIFA Congress: the AUB Delegation in Kigali
A five-man Delegation headed by the president of the AUB’s Exe Co. took part in the 73rd elective Congress of the Federation...

AUB Officials joined ABU and RAI peers in Italy, discussed sustainability in the media
As Public Service Media, we have built our existence on serving audiences, staff and stakeholders in an honest, fair and accessible way....

3rd International Fair of Information and Communication Technologies “ICT Maghreb 2023”
Over 150 companies, 20 being African, took part in the three-day 3rd International Fair of Information and Communication Technologies...

CIRCULATION OF THE RADIO AND TELEVISION COMPETITION FOR THE YEAR 2022/2023 Radio and Television Program Production Competition 2022-2023...

The AUB Mission to Malaysia
From 06 to 09 March 2023, the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) took part in the Asia- Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) 2023 Digital...

News Exchange Coordinators from Africa, Asia and Europe met in Algiers from March 5 to 9, 2023
The week-long event enabled News and Technical coordinators to dwell on the state of cooperation between broadcasters and the respect of...

An Advocacy for more engagement in the fight against breast cancer
Experts from fifteen countries in North Africa and the Middle East met in Algiers to brainstorm on the difficulties and advances...