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AUB Empowers African Journalists to Combat Cancer

Faced with the rising number of cancer cases in Africa, journalists have a crucial role to play in raising awareness and informing the public. It is with this in mind that the African Union of Broadcasting convened an online training session on August 23rd, specifically designed to equip journalists with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively report on cancer.
During this masterclass, expert Emmanuel Wongibe emphasized that while cancer is a multifaceted disease, it shares a common denominator: the uncontrolled growth of cells. "Cancer can develop in any tissue of the body; the only part of the story we haven’t heard of is the nails and the hair," he explained. 
The trainer highlighted the complexity of the disease, debunking myths and shedding light on the most common risk factors such as aging, smoking, excessive sun exposure, genetic mutations, overweight, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, exposure to harmful chemicals at home or at work, and certain infections. 

What is the Media's responsability in this battle against cancer? According to the expert, the statistics alone warrant a deep sense of concern among journalists. Awareness campaigns must be intensified, as "cancer remains largely unfamiliar to the general public in Africa today." he said. Sharing information on reducing risk factors is essential.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports a staggering 1.1 million new cancer cases annually in Africa, with over 700,000 deaths. Emmanuel Wongibe asserts that at least 40% of cancer cases could be prevented or detected at an early stage, thus offering better chances of recovery.

However, prevention alone is not enough. Cancer care structures on the continent need to be improved.



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