Climate Change Expert Amadou Gaye to Feature at AUB-UNDRR-RTS Summit in Dakar

The upcoming AUB – UNDRR – RTS summit on climate change, taking place in Dakar, Senegal, on World Radio Day 2025, will feature Professor Amadou Gaye as a panelist.
Prof Amadou Gaye is currently Distinguished Professor and climate scientist at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal, senior team leader of several research scientists and PhD students. He is an elected member of Senegalese Academy of Sciences and Technics (ANSTS).
For around thirty years he is engaged in research and teaching on African climate variability, climate change and impacts and also dialogue with stakeholders including policy makers. Prof Gaye has trained and mentored generations of climate scientists in Africa and developed a very strong climate research center. He was PI on several collaborative and international research projects at African and international levels including European projects.
He occupied high level positions in academic institutions (ie Director/Dean of Ecole Superieure Polytechnique of UCAD, Head of Computer science department at ESP, Director Doctoral School of Water at UCAD) and also experienced policy making as Director general of Research and innovation (Chief Scientist) at Senegal Ministry of Higher education, research and innovation. On that position he was representative of Senegal on the AU-EU partnership on research and innovation.
He has contributed as Lead Author in IPCC assessments. He is involved on several scientific, advisory and steering committees i.e. an African initiative called Climate Research for Development (CR4D) as co-chair, member of the Joint Steering Committee of the World Climate Research Program, member of the Science Steering Group of the WCRP/My climate Lighthouse.