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Key Resolutions for the AUB 11th General Assembly

The 11th Annual General Assembly (AGM) of the African Union of Broadcasting was held from 12th to 16th March 2018 from Kigali-Rwanda jointly hosted by Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA) a with the main theme “Africa Audiovisual media&the migratory question.”The AGM was preceeded by the forum on the 12th and march 2018 on the issue of Digital Terrestrial Television under the theme “Fierce Battle around DTT”.

The 11th AGM was honored by the presence of His Excellency President Paul KAGAME, the President of the Republic of Rwanda and current Chair of the African Union:

Gave gave his support to the african audiovisuel media in their constat battle for broadcast rights at affordable rates;

  • Encourage AUB for the creation of a network of authentic african content exchange and the creation of panafrican télévision;

  • Urgedthe countries to inexorably engage themselves in the Digital migration process;

  • Raised the will for Smart Africa to take over leadership in the issue of Digital migration

The 11th AGM welcomed the participation of Ministers in charge of communication in its sessions:

  1. Minister in charge of foreign affairs of Rwanda and

  2. Secretary General of CONFEJES

The 11th AGM was also welcomed the participation of the CAF President, M. Ahmad Ahmad to its sessions:

  • It reiterates its commitment to work for the succes of the mission entrusted to him at the head of the african football organe.

  • Urged him to personally implicate himself in the search of means in order to make broadcast rights of sporting events orrganised by CAF affordable gor all.

Took note of the advice from the President of Republic of Rwanda/Chairperson of the AU calling upon the AUB to work hand in hand with Smart Africa in the process of Digitalization and network exchange of programs between African broadcasters.

Mandates AUB to take leadership in negotiating on behalf of all the members orgnisations on the question of sporting rights.

Instructes the AUB Management to follow up approaches towards the african parliament for the obtainement of a directives concerning the rights of events with significant importance.

Request to the African Union to give an observer Status to the AUB within its Union.

Cautions against the pressure on public service broadcsters to go commercial, thereby diluting their public service mandate and calls for our governments to adopt sustainable financing that will guarantee the survival of these institutions.

Commit as AUB members to support the projects of Union namely:

  • ‘’One minute”

  • “Rise and Shine Africa”

  • “ Network of Content exchange”

  • “AUB Bouquet”

Mindful of the role of intellectual property rights for the strengthening of audio-visial ecosystem in Africa, the AUB commits to;

Stregthen on-going training inititaives to build capcaity in this area.

Participate more actively and on a permanent basis to the WIPO negotiation on the broadcasting treaty

Recah out to their governments and national authorities on the urgent need to adopt the treaty

Create within AUB a permanent legal committee incharge of promoting cooperation between members on intellectual property issues

Congratulated the outgoing committee under the able leadership of Dr. Kwame Akuffo for steering the union over the past two years and congratulated the incoming committee under the leadership of Ms. Keiterate mathapi, DG Botswana and wished them well in their new mandate. Welcomed the proposal of Moroco (SNRT) to host next Annual General Meeting (AGM). Thanks AUB for the great organisation of the 11th AGM. Expressed its profound gratitude to the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Kagame, to its government, to the entire personnel of RBA and to the Rwanda people for their warmth and hospitality.

Done at Kigali, 16th March 2018

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