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AGENDA: AUB - RAI Training on “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment”

The African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) and RAI are pleased to announce the launch of an online Training Program themed: "Gender Equality - Women Empowerment".

Women's empowerment is a key issue for Africa's sustainable development and prosperity. The media play a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting positive change. However, many media practionners lack knowledge and skills in gender-sensitive productions.

This training aims to strengthen the skills of African media professionals, to promote more inclusive media coverage, to fight against gender stereotypes and to raise awareness on issues related to women's rights as stipulated in Article 01 of the United Nations Charter and to promote role Models for African Women.


Webinar 01: 23rd May 2024. Time: 09:00 AM (GMT+00)

Module: International and national regulatory framework

- RAI Initiatives

- European regulatory framework in the media and broadcasting sector to support gender equality issues

- Regulatory framework in African countries

Webinar 02: 31st MAY 2024. Time: Time: 09:00 AM (GMT+00)

Module: - Rai gender policies  / ESG Plan ESG /  No Woman No Panel

- Gender Policies in African countries

Webinar 03: 6 June 2024. Time: 09:00 AM (GMT+00)

Module: - Development of strategies to promote participatory democracy (Political Will, Empowerment, Engagement)/ Projet 50-50/

Monitoring the presence and representation of the female figure in Rai's programmes

- Strategies to promote the Gender Equality in Africa

Webinar 04: 14 June 2024. Time: 09:00 AM (GMT+00)


Best practices in broadcasting in Europe

Best practices and initiatives in broadcasting in Africa



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