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AUB CEO receives "Emblema Mundo Award" for his significant Impact on international Media Cooperation

Friday 18th November 2023, the AUB’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Grégoire NDJAKA added a new feather to his cap by winning the Emblema Mundo Award.

The Prize was handed-over to him by VIORY during a glamorous ceremony held in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of important personalities and Media Professionals. Addressing the public, VIORY's Representative said: «We are gathered here today in a spirit of sincerity and respect to honour an individual who has made a significant impact on international media cooperation. He has played a crucial role in strengthening the connections between numerous African countries and the Member States of the BRICS Group, thereby fostering international cooperation in the field of media. His ongoing assets and remarkable achievements serve as a shining example of how one person can remote values such as mutual respect and balance international relations".

For the past 8 years, Grégoire Ndjaka has been at the helm of the AUB, and he will begin his third term Mandate as the head of the organization next January.

During his tenure, the Senior Journalist has completely revolutionized the face of the union. Some of his most notable actions include:

- The opening of a content exchange center in Algiers, expanding the AUB family with partnerships from many entities.

- He also managed the broadcasting rights for CAF competitions from 2019 to 2023, organized two major charity concerts for COVID-19 victims,

- Established a AUB foundation for cancer prevention

- And provided extensive training for African journalists on topics such as COVID-19, sports, election coverage, and disaster prevention. These initiatives have significantly elevated the AUB's presence on the international media stage, placing it alongside other major unions worldwide, including the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), North American Broadcasters Association (NABA), and the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU), within the World Broadcasting Unions (WBU).

- Noteworthy strategic partners include the UNDRR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), UNESCO, and ITU (International Telecommunications Union).



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