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AUB, COPEAM to Train journalists on Climate Change Reporting

The Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators - COPEAM is organizing in collaboration with the African Union of Broadcasting- AUB, a series of online training workshops on “Reporting Climate change”.

The e-learning programme is developed with the support of the European Investment Bank in partnership with the International Telematics University Uninettuno.

The course represents a free training opportunity for journalists working in the audiovisual field and it is open for the first time to African journalists and Members of the African Union of Broadcasting.


This training course has the following general objectives:

- Raising awareness among the information professionals on the implications of climate change and of the related sustainable development challenges, in particular those concerning Africa and the Mediterranean;

- Providing the trainees with an accurate overview of the international legal framework, the international bodies operating in this field, the current negotiations within the UN (COP), the main agreements and shared goals, the energy transition’s challenges, etc.;

- Strengthening the journalists’ reporting skills about climate change issues.


The didactic contents have been organized into 5 modules/parts including video-lessons (and related slides) and multimedia supporting material:

PART 1: What is climate change? (5 lessons)

PART 2: Reporting climate change (5 lessons)

PART 3: Water security related to climate change (3 lessons)

PART 4: Energy transition (3 lessons)

PART 5: Experiences and case studies (Short interviews and video-contributions) Trainers, experts and scientists from different countries will deliver the lessons above, which are specifically conceived for this training course.


Video-lessons will be made available in English, Arabic and French (with voice-over or in original language). Extra didactic material is in English.


The selection of candidates will be completed by mid-October 2021.

The online training course will by launched early November 2021, for a total period of 8 weeks.


Participation is free of charge. The training is open to journalists operating in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and the Gulf regions. Participation links will be made available in due time.

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Illustration: AFDB


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