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AUB Officials joined ABU and RAI peers in Italy, discussed sustainability in the media

As Public Service Media, we have built our existence on serving audiences, staff and stakeholders in an honest, fair and accessible way. In order to continue to hold on to our audience and citizens’ trust, we also need to add sustainability – there is little value in temporary fixes without a longer-term future.

In light of current climate and energy challenges, PSMs are re-examining how we join these two imperatives together – how we can serve our audiences in sustainable ways and keep people at the heart of everything we do.

At the same time, we are facing unprecedented social challenges which prompt us – as Public Service Media – to lead by example and act as reliable and accountable stakeholders for the civil society and its institutions.

It is in this light that the AUB joined its peers of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and RAI Italia in Florence, Italy. For two days (13th to 14th March 2023), the media professionnals discussed issues relating to sustainability.

Theme of the conference : Sustainability first: achieving people-centred inclusive transformation”

Find below, the AUB’s CEO Presentation.



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