AUB's AI Summit Preparations: Meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon

As part of the preparations for the AUB summit on artificial intelligence and media, a delegation from the African Union of Broadcasting met in Yaoundé with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon.
During the meeting, the delegation led by the Director General of the AUB, Grégoire Ndjaka, requested from the Cameroonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, involvement in the facilitation of entry visas into the territory for the benefit of experts and other participants invited to the summit.
The Secretary General of the Cameroonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the holding of this summit which will allow the exchange of experiences between participants, especially since the theme of artificial intelligence has become part of human life and remains a real challenge.
At the same time, he expressed the full availability of the ministry to provide its support at the level of Cameroon's diplomatic representations abroad.
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AUB Cancer Foundation
At the end of the meeting, the Director General of the African Union of Broadcasting presented the project of the “AUB Cancer Foundation”, emphasizing the importance of training journalists on how to raise awareness and contribute to reduce the high number of deaths due to cancer.
In 2020, the cancers causing the greatest number of deaths were: lung cancer (1.80 million deaths); colorectal cancer (916,000 deaths); liver cancer (830,000 deaths); stomach cancer (769,000 deaths); and breast cancer (685,000 deaths).
Currently, 30% to 50% of cancers can be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing evidence-based preventive strategies.

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