Call For Applications - AUB's Center Of Content Exchange In Algeria

The African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) is an African organization whose purpose is to defend and represent the collective interests of its members vis-à-vis third parties and public authorities. The union provides its members with a framework for consultation and discussion on all issues of common interests.
The AUB also aims to assist its members in their desire to access professional expertise from competent bodies in matters of risk assessment, to ensure compliance with the rules of ethics governing the profession, and finally to initiate a lasting cooperation framework with the major foreign centers of exchange. In carrying out its tasks, the Union promotes gender equality.
The African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) is recruiting, for the needs of its Program and News Exchange Center based in Algiers, the following :
AN ENGINEER & OPERATIONS MANAGER: (Download File to view full Job Description)
AN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: (Download File to view full Job Description)
HEAD OF ARAB DESK: (Download File to view Job Description)
HEAD OF PORTUGUESE DESK (Download File to view full Job Description)
HEAD OF ENGLISH DESK (Download File to view full Job Description)
Please note:
Applications including a letter of motivation addressed to the Director General of the AUB, a dated and signed curriculum vitae, copies of diplomas will be submitted to the email address: no later than 22nd July 2022 at 17h :00 GMT.