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Earthquake: The African Union of Broadcasting's Message of Condelence to theTurkish Radio Television

Algiers, 07 February 2023

To the Director General of the Turkish Radio Television - TRT


Mr Director General,

It is with a heavy heart that we reach out to you having learned about the challenging situation Türkiye is going through at the moment due to the earthquake disaster that has struck the South-Eastern part of the country.

We are saddened by this news knowing that the affected are family members, loved ones and acquaintances.

On behalf of the all the 80 members of our Union and myself, we would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to you and the entire TRT staff, as you face the challenge.

We believe that the emergency services will timely intervene to curb severe impacts brought by this disaster.

I would particularly like to reiterate to you Africa’s unweaving support.

Let us stay strong through this trying moment and we pray for only the best to you and the people of Türkiye.

Yours sincerely,

Grégoire NDJAKA

Director General



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