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Handling Covid19 Pandemic in African Media

Illustration: WHO


The African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) and the UNESCO Regional Bureau in Dakar are organizing a Capacity-Building Seminar for African media professionals on the theme: "Handling Covid19 pandemic in and by the African Media”.

The Seminar will take place from July 27 to 28, 2021, at the Good Rade Hotel in Dakar, in strict compliance with the sanitary measures in force in Senegal: preliminary test, distancing, face mask, etc.

It is organized in a context marked by many upheavals resulting from the negative consequences of the corona virus on the lives of women and men of this continent.

To date, the corona virus has already killed more than three million seven hundred and fifty thousand (3,750,000) around the world and the situation calls for greater vigilance.

Beyond loss of human lives, we are all witnesses to the catastrophic socio-economic impacts of the pandemic on our communities, despite efforts made by our Governments.

At the forefront of the fight against this pandemic are journalists whose role in the gathering, processing and dissemination of information in real time is well established. It must be said that African media professionals face many challenges related to the spread of Fake News and Conspiracy Theories that alter and impact their work.

Moreover, journalists who are in permanent contact with the public are exposed to the virus and forget the necessity to protect themselves. This results in numerous deaths in newsrooms across the continent.

This seminar will bring together journalists and Directors of Programming from all over Africa.


Phone: +221 338 21 1625


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