Mactar SILLA: "Many people in the media have been impacted by Covid-19"

“We are in a period that challenges our way of living and our behavior. The media plays a major role in this struggle. Many people in the media have been impacted by this pandemic. We still have in mind the death of Babacar Touré, Pape Diouf and many others.
On the front line with the doctors, there are journalists, cameramen, technicians. Day after day, hour after hour they report new cases; they try to raise awareness in order to convince the general public. They too are exposed to this pandemic. Between the ministers who forbid one thing, the populations who are skeptical and think that the media are vectors of the ideologies of political leaders, things have to be clear.
Furthermore, there are people in our newsrooms who do not believe in the disease and refuse to take the vaccine. We are on an extremely difficult mission. We shouldn't be shy. We must stand up for our own causes to combat this pandemic which is vicious, invisible, and pernicious. It is a difficult task, but we must give the media the prominence it deserves.”