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The role of African media in the prevention of natural disasters

The African Union of Broadcasting will organize in partnership with the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction- UNDRR, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) a series of virtual workshops. This series will engage and educate broadcasters and other communication stakeholders in their requirements and obligations to address climate and environmental issues, highlighting the relationship between events, communicators and audiences as the world attempts to deal with an increasing number of natural events and disasters. The sessions would cover:

1. AUB Member Organizations and other African Media Professionnals who wish to increase their awareness of current environmental issues and improve their communication skills within this ever growing field

2. NGO's & other stakeholders, DRR initiatives, Developing projects and plans / Programme and Project Surgery.

The Training Program would run from the 11th of January to the 19th of March 2021.

For more details on Program activities, please refer to the link below


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