Science: What if the Einstein of tomorrow was an African woman?

40 years ago, a woman scientist, environmental activist created the Green Belt movement to fight against deforestation in her region in Kenya.
In 2004, this woman received the Nobel Peace Prize. This is the first Nobel Prize ever to be awarded to an African woman. This woman is called Wangari Maathai.
15 years later, more than 35 million trees have been planted on the continent and Wangari Maathai continues to inspire a whole new generation of women who engage in science or the protection of environment like those in her region.
Today, worthy heiresses of Wangari Maathai can be found across the continent, pioneers blazing new trails.
Dynamic and enterprising, African women scientists are the new face of a modern Africa which is participating in the greatest upheavals of our societies. But in this competitive world, they are still under-represented.
We followed three of them, respectively specialized in nanochemistry, molecular biology and astrophysics.
Who are these women? What obstacles did they have to overcome to reach the peak of their art? Will they be able to find solutions to the major challenges of the 21st century?
In a 52' Documentary Film available on AUB's Network of Program Exchange (AUBVision), we are presenting the challenges faced African Scientists and the progress made so far in this domain.
"Women and science in Africa, a silent revolution" -
Festival Pariscience 2020
A production of La compagnie des taxi-brousse
With the collaboration of Canal + International and the support of L'Oréal Foundation
Documentary offered in partnership with the African Union of Broadcasting.

See Teaser: